John King
Oracle Database Specialist
Kintec Consulting Services
Sr Database Architect/Developer (Consultant)
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Richmond VA
The Virginia Dept of Transportation (VDOT) is a state government agency responsible for building, maintaining and operating the state's roads, bridges and tunnels. Virginia has the third-largest state-maintained highway system in the country, behind Texas and North Carolina.
Responsible for designing, developing, testing and deploying database solutions for various sprint projects covering application enhancements, batch feeds and extracts, as well as other special projects.
Responsible for tuning the Pavement Management System (PMS) sync process allowing it to complete in days rather than months, and proposed a design to senior management for later development that would allow it to run fully automated in hours.
Responsible for tuning the Roadway Network System’s (RNS) Nightly Build process allowing it to more quickly process roadway changes and events which helped VDOT achieve its goal of maintaining a greater than 99% complete roadway network.
Responsible for recommending, implementing and training on strategies for reducing development costs and improving developer efficiency such as use of version control, automation of code reviews, development standards and release management. In progress effort for 2018Q1 includes standardizing the Oracle database development and release processes around DEVOPS and CI practices.
Responsible for assisting the database administrator group with special projects such as reducing storage and costs, automating partition management, performance tuning and OEM setup.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Database Performance Tuning, Instructor-led Training, OEM, Oracle 11g, Oracle12c, PL/SQL, Python, RAC, SQL, Systems Analysis, TFS, Technical Writing
Below is a list of projects and responsibilities that I've engaged on since I founded Kintec Consulting Services in 1998. While each project had a specific position title, as a consultant I performed multiple roles within each project - whatever was necessary to get the project completed on-time and to requirements.
See Testimonials for recommendations regarding my project work.
Application Database Administrator (Consultant)
Connexions Loyalty, Richmond VA
This client was previously known as Affinion Loyalty Group. This engagement was an extension of the contract started in 2008 with Affinion Loyalty Group. In Dec. 2011, I was chosen to move from the client’s development team to their application DBA team to take the lead role on several major projects as detailed below.
Responsible for a crucial lead role planning, testing and implementing the successful cutover of 22 Oracle database and batch environment migrations to a new datacenter on a high-availability technology stack used to increase stability and uptime. This accomplishment was divided across two separate projects targeting different datacenters associated with the client’s loyalty application (17 environments) and General Motors application (5 environments).
Skills Used: Data Guard, Database Performance Tuning, Oracle 11g, Perl 5.8.4 -> Perl 5.12, PL/SQL, Solaris 10 -> Solaris 11, SQL, Sun Cluster, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting, Veritas -> ZFS & ASM
Responsible for the lead role planning, testing and implementing the successful upgrade of 13 databases from Oracle 9i and Oracle 10g to Oracle11g with minimal downtime and exceptional application performance results.
Skills Used: Database Performance Tuning, Oracle 9i & Oracle 10g -> Oracle 11g, Perl 5.6 -> Perl 5.8.4, PL/SQL, Solaris 8 -> Solaris 10, SQL, Systems Analysis, Sun Cluster, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting, Veritas
Responsible for solely designing, testing, developing and deploying a standard and flexible process for efficiently scrubbing PCI and PII data while maintaining application integrity across all of the client’s multi-terabyte databases.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 11g, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting
Responsible for solely designing, testing, developing and deploying a standard, reusable architecture for efficiently purging large volumes of obsolete customer data from the client’s multi-terabyte OLTP databases without impacting normal application performance. With this implementation the client was able to switch to purging 24/7, rather than limiting to downtime windows, allowing purge projects to complete in days rather than months.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 11g, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting
Responsible for solely planning and implementing the standardization of tablespaces across the client’s databases. This involved re-organizing data locations to improve the performance of hot data files, migrating from dictionary-managed to locally-managed tablespaces, implementing ASSM and changing the data block size.
Skills Used: Database Performance Tuning, Oracle 9i, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Responsible for solely designing, testing, developing and deploying the automation of maintenance for the client’s change-data-capture (CDC) replication objects. With this implementation, the previously error-prone, manual process was simplified to a single, automated step increasing efficiency and reducing errors.
Skills Used: CDC, Data Modeling, Oracle 9i, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting
Responsible for solving various and numerous tuning challenges across OLTP and warehouse databases.
Skills Used: Database Performance Tuning, Ignite, OEM, Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g, Oracle 11g, PL/SQL, SQL
Responsible for assisting the normal operations (OPS) DBA team. These are the guys who are on-call to support the 24/7 applications. When the OPS DBA team was shorthanded, I assisted by handling on-call requests as well as scheduled application releases.
Skills Used: OEM, Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g, Oracle 11g
Technical Team Lead (Consultant)
Affinion Loyalty Group, Richmond VA
This previous client asked me to return to their application development team to take the lead role on several major projects as detailed below.
Responsible for the lead developer role in the re-design, testing, development and deployment of the client’s standard batch load process for loyalty program members and point transactions to increase performance over 100% and meet new stringent SLAs.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Database Performance Tuning, Oracle 9i, Perl, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting
Responsible for the lead developer role in designing, testing, developing and deploying various product enhancements of the client’s loyalty, shopping and warehouse applications. Some project examples include: allow customer retail purchases using a combination of loyalty points and dollars, allow customers to setup global accounts which household points for multiple loyalty accounts, allow customers to redeem points for hotel stays, allow customers to earn points based on personalized conditions, allow the client to resell their in-house customer servicing application while limiting the scope of data access, and much more.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 9i, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, Perl, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting, Virtual Private Database
Responsible for analyzing all of the client’s dozens of Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports modules and documenting the business and technical requirements for their migration to Java and HTML.
Skills Used: Oracle9i, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, Perl, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Responsible for the lead developer role in designing, testing, developing and deploying various batch feeds and extracts for the client’s loyalty, shopping and warehouse applications.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 9i, Perl, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting
Responsible for a developer role in the re-design, testing, development and deployment of the client’s complex loyalty points engine on a multi-terabyte data warehouse which was struggling to handle an increased volume of transactions. Implementation of the new design increased performance by over 50%, allowing it to handle SLAs with room to grow.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 9i, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Unix Shell Scripting
Responsible for solving various and numerous tuning challenges for the application development teams across OLTP and warehouse databases.
Skills Used: Database Performance Tuning, Oracle 9i, PL/SQL, SQL
Dec. 2011 -
Feb. 2015
Jul. 2008 -
Dec. 2011
Design Team Lead (Consultant)
National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) via CACI, Charlottesville VA
CACI engaged me for a short-term contract, with specific goals, to help meet the NGIC program manager’s technical design expectations for their Harmony application. NGIC’s Harmony application is a tool for managing document collection and translation resources, eliminating duplication and providing mission-critical intelligence.
Responsible for the creation of standardized technical design documentation templates to be used for classified and unclassified components of the Army’s Oracle-based Harmony application. These templates were created to meet the high expectations of NGIC’s Harmony program manager and were a requirement for the renewal of CACI’s contract with NGIC. Also provided training for the design staff on how to use these new technical design templates properly.
Skills Used: Instructor-led Training, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Responsible for the design of various enhancement and maintenance requests for the Army’s Harmony application.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 10g, Oracle Text, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting
Mar. 2008 -
Jul. 2008
Technical Team Lead (Consultant)
Affinion Loyalty Group, Richmond VA
This client was previously known as Trilegiant Loyalty Solutions. The name changed in 2005, but this engagement was an extension of the contract started in 2002 with Trilegiant Loyalty Solutions.
Responsible for the lead developer role in designing, developing, testing and deploying a multimillion dollar project to transfer General Motor’s GM Card and Vehicle Purchase Program from applications hosted by EDS into Affinion Loyalty Group’s existing loyalty application. Led an onsite team of 12 developers providing vision, instruction, mentoring and motivation while performing development tasks myself and reporting progress back to the business. Also served as the liaison to the offshore development team. The project outcome was a seamless transition between applications, enhanced services and a more scalable Oracle architecture.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, DesignAssist, Oracle 9i, Oracle Designer, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, Perl, PL/SQL, RAC, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting
Jun. 2005 -
Oct. 2007
Application Database Administrator (Consultant)
Chesterfield County, Chesterfield VA
The Chesterfield County Department of Information Technology is a local government agency handling all IT requirements for the Chesterfield County government. This was a part-time engagement performed in parallel with the Trilegiant Loyalty Solutions engagement.
Responsible for diagnosing and resolving a specific performance problem impacting the client’s Oracle-based application.
Skills Used: Database Performance Tuning, Oracle 9i, Oracle Designer, Oracle Forms, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis
Jul. 2003
Development Team Lead (Consultant)
Trilegiant Loyalty Solutions, Richmond VA
Trilegiant Loyalty Solutions specializes in loyalty enhancement programs that span a variety of industries including the credit card and travel industries. The company services over 175 clients, including numerous Fortune 500 companies.
Responsible for the lead developer role in designing, developing, testing and deploying a multimillion dollar project to implement a new loyalty program for Budget Rent-A-Car which allows customers to earn and redeem points for car rentals. Led a team of 3 developers providing vision, instruction, mentoring and motivation while performing development tasks myself and reporting progress back to the business.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, DesignAssist, Oracle 8i, Oracle Designer, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, Perl, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting
Responsible for the lead developer role in designing, developing, testing and deploying a multimillion dollar project to implement a new loyalty program called TripRewards for a major travel corporation which allows customers to earn and redeem points across any of its travel-related businesses. Led a team of 5 developers providing vision, instruction, mentoring and motivation while performing development tasks myself and reporting progress back to the business.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, DesignAssist, Oracle 8i, Oracle Designer, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, Perl, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting
Responsible for recommending strategies to senior management for reducing development costs and how to implement best practices of Oracle tools customized for the client’s environment. This effort resulted in an increase in developer efficiency through the implementation of a development methodology and standards, design documentation templates, and coding templates.
Skills Used: Business Analysis, Oracle 8i, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Mar. 2002 -
Jun. 2005
Oracle Specialist (Consultant)
City of Richmond Public Utilities, Richmond VA
The City of Richmond’s Department of Public Utilities is a local government agency providing all public utility services such as natural gas, water, wastewater and street lighting.
Responsible for recommending strategies to senior management for reducing development costs and how to implement best practices of Oracle tools customized for the client’s environment. This effort resulted in an increase in developer efficiency through the implementation of a development methodology and standards, design documentation templates, coding templates, a modeling tool, an advanced coding and tuning tool, and pre-built object-oriented code libraries.
Skills Used: Business Analysis, Oracle 8i, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Responsible for recommending a cost-effective strategy to senior management for converting the client’s Oracle Forms 3.0-based Banner application, which is used to service the city’s utility customers, to a web-based Oracle 9i Forms application. The strategy proposed was adopted and was estimated to save the client nearly $850,000 in development costs over their original strategy.
Skills Used: Business Analysis, Oracle 8i, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Responsible for the lead role planning, testing and implementing the successful upgrade of the client’s existing Oracle Designer, Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports tools from version 6.0 to version 6i.
Skills Used: DesignAssist, Oracle 8, Oracle Designer, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Responsible for analyzing and modeling the processes associated with the maintenance of accounts and services in the client’s Banner application, which is used to service the city’s utility customers. Also provided training to in-house staff on how to analyze and model business processes properly.
Skills Used: Business Analysis, Instructor-led Training, Oracle 8, Oracle Designer, Technical Writing
Responsible for the lead developer role in designing, developing, testing and deploying several subsystems which integrated with the client’s Banner application. These subsystems included: a web-based address lookup interface for the public, a real-time address validation interface for Banner users, and a web-based cash reconciliation process for the finance department.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, DesignAssist, Oracle 8, Oracle Designer, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting
Responsible for assisting the in-house DBA with various database tuning and administration tasks.
Skills Used: Database Performance Tuning, OEM, Oracle 8, PL/SQL, SQL
Apr. 2001 -
Jul. 2002
Developer (Consultant)
DuPont Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington DE
This previous client asked me to return to their application development team on a part-time basis and working remotely to complete a specific objective.
Responsible for a lead developer role in designing, developing, testing and deploying requirement changes to the client’s custom HR application to allow HR to meet updated government Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) reporting requirements.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 7, Oracle Designer, Oracle Discoverer, Oracle Reports, PL/SQL, SQL, Technical Writing
Jan. 2001 -Mar. 2001
Oracle Specialist (Consultant)
City of Richmond Police, Richmond VA
The City of Richmond’s Police Department is a local government agency providing all police response services.
Responsible for a liaison role between the client and a large IT service provider contracted to develop a new records management system. This role included monitoring the development of the application, beta testing and providing a technical recommendation to a committee of city officials on whether the client should accept the beta application.
Skills Used: Business Analysis, Data Modeling, Oracle 8, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis
Responsible for recommending strategies to senior management for reducing development costs and how to implement best practices of Oracle tools customized for the client’s environment. This effort resulted in an increase in developer efficiency through the implementation of a development methodology and standards, design documentation templates, coding templates, a modeling tool, an advanced coding and tuning tool, and pre-built object-oriented code libraries.
Skills Used: Business Analysis, Oracle 8, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Responsible for developing training materials and training the entire City of Richmond’s IT staff in data modeling concepts and the Oracle Designer modeling tool. The training filled all-day classes for two weeks.
Skills Used: Instructor-led Training, Technical Writing
Responsible for the lead developer role in designing, developing, testing and deploying several enhancements to the client’s existing law enforcement incident-based reporting system (IBRS).
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 8, Oracle Designer, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Responsible for assisting the in-house DBA with various database tuning and administration tasks.
Skills Used: Database Performance Tuning, OEM, Oracle 8, PL/SQL, SQL
Apr. 2000 -
Apr. 2001
Lead Developer / Data Architect (Consultant)
DuPont Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington DE
DuPont Pharmaceuticals is a subsidiary of the multinational corporation DuPont. It develops and manufactures chemicals and health care products.
Responsible for the lead developer role in designing, testing, developing and deploying various product enhancements of the client’s custom human resources application. Some project examples include: allow HR to post open jobs, notify employees of new job posting via email, track job candidates throughout the application process, fill open jobs and provide useful reports to HR regarding the jobs; allow HR to meet government and internal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) reporting requirements in a more efficient and cost-effective manner; allow supervisors to forecast employee salaries based on a calculated budget as well as record employee salary increases and position promotions. Led a team of 3 developers providing vision, instruction, mentoring and motivation while performing development tasks myself and reporting progress back to the business.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, DesignAssist, Oracle 7, Oracle Designer, Oracle Discoverer, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Responsible for a data architect role, reviewing the existing design of the database supporting the client’s custom HR application and recommending improvements. As part of this role, I implemented many of those recommendations improving the performance of the database.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Database Performance Tuning, Oracle 7, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis
Responsible for implementing development and documentation standards as well as documentation templates to increase developer efficiency.
Skills Used: Business Analysis, Instructor-led Training, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Feb. 1999 -
Mar. 2000
Database Administrator / Developer (Consultant)
Morgan Products, Mechanicsburg PA
Morgan Products manufactures door and window related products. After 3 months on this contract, Morgan Products struck a deal to be acquired by Andersen Corporation making this project’s goal no longer necessary. However, since we were using a rapid application development (RAD) methodology on this project we were still able to create and prototype the applications detailed below.
Responsible for a DBA role to install and configure the Oracle 8 Database Server software, create the initial database and perform initial database tuning. After the initial setup, the DBA responsibilities were turned over to another DBA.
Skills Used: Database Performance Tuning, Oracle 8, SQL, Unix Shell Scripting
Responsible for a developer role in designing, testing, developing and deploying a catalog publishing application which provided the ability to maintain product offerings and generate a catalog of products which could be distributed to customer. This application automated many previously manual processes and Microsoft Excel-based reports.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 8, Oracle Designer, Oracle Forms, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Responsible for a developer role in designing, testing, developing and deploying a back-end field sales application which provided an interface between an existing sales application and the new catalog publishing application. This application allowed the sales staff to synchronize data from the standalone field sales application on individual laptops to a central repository utilized for catalog publishing. The central repository was designed to serve as the foundation for an enterprise application planned for a future phase of this project.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 8, Oracle Designer, Oracle Forms, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Nov. 1998 -
Feb. 1999
Developer (Consultant)
McKesson General Medical, Richmond VA
McKesson General Medical is the oldest and largest medical services company. This was an Oracle Consulting managed project for an ERP implementation which started long before I joined the project. I was engaged for some custom development work that was required to integrate with Oracle’s ERP products. After 3 months on this contract, McKesson decided to abandon Oracle and switch to a JD Edwards product. However, I was able to complete the application detailed below.
Responsible for a developer role in designing, testing, developing and deploying an Order Management and Pricing application which maintained custom product and order data, as well as calculated product and order pricing. Due to the client’s complex pricing and order management business rules, this custom application was necessary to bypass the standard functionality of the Oracle ERP implementation.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 7, Oracle CDM, Oracle Designer, Oracle HeadStart, Oracle Forms, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Aug. 1998 -
Nov. 1998
Developer (Consultant)
KAR Financial, Richmond VA
KAR Financial is a small financial products firm. I was engaged on a part-time basis to implement this relatively simple application.
Responsible for a DBA role to install and configure the Personal Oracle 8 Database Server software, create the initial database and perform initial database tuning.
Skills Used: Database Performance Tuning, Oracle 8, SQL
Responsible for a solo developer role in designing, testing, developing and deploying a mutual fund tracking application which imported mutual fund data and provided different statistical reports regarding those funds for performance tracking purposes.
Skills Used: Data Modeling, Oracle 8, Oracle Designer, Oracle Forms, PL/SQL, SQL, Systems Analysis, Technical Writing
Jul. 1998 -
Aug. 1998
My Projects
Database Administrator (Consultant)
B2B Solutions, Glen Allen VA
B2B engaged me for a short-term contract, with specific goals, to help bridge a gap in their full-time DBA staff. During this engagement, I helped support B2B’s clients with their Oracle database administration needs.
Responsible for monitoring and resolving Oracle database-related requests and alerts across multiple clients and various technology stacks.
Skills Used: Advanced Replication, APEX, ASM, Data Guard, Database Performance Tuning, Linux, Oracle 10g, OEM, Oracle 11g, PL/SQL, RAC, Shareplex, SQL, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting, Windows
Responsible for designing both active-active and active-passive Oracle database architecture proposals for a new client including complete hardware and software cost estimates, implementation and maintenance staff cost estimates, and a time-phased implementation plan.
Skills Used: Data Guard, GoldenGate, Oracle 12c, RAC, Technical Writing
Responsible for performing a comprehensive database health assessment for a new client to identify key issues impacting the performance of its Oracle database environments.
Skills Used: Database Performance Tuning, Linux, Oracle 11g, OEM, SQL, Technical Writing, Unix Shell Scripting
Responsible for assisting in the implementation of a physical standby database for disaster recovery.
Skills Used: ASM, Data Guard, Linux, Oracle 11g, RAC, SQL
Responsible for creating a template for B2B’s client-specific documentation to capture all pertinent database environment details for turnover to any DBA.
Skills Used: Technical Writing
Jul. 2015 -
Mar. 2016
Feb. 2016 -